Racial Justice & Police Misconduct Clinic
Complaint Form
What is the Racial Justice & Police Miscondunct Clinic (RJPMC)?
The Racial Justice & Police Misconduct Clinic (RJPMC) is a legal clinic dedicated to addressing community-identified legal issues involving racial bias, discrimination, and police or government misconduct.
RJPMC recognizes that the legal system itself is both a tool and a product of systemic racism. As a result, navigating the legal system is often retraumatizing for survivors of racial bias, discrimination, and police or government misconduct. This is particularly acute when survivors meet with multiple attorneys, each time sharing what is often the most traumatic event of their life, only to have their cases rejected. RJPMC seeks to remedy these acts of retraumatization by providing non-legal services, such as investigation, evidence collection, letters of support, press releases, and when appropriate, placing your case with an interested attorney.
RJPMC does not provide direct legal services, but rather, RJPMC places cases with participating attorneys, law firms, and legal organizations who have agreed to accept RJPMC referrals. Once placed, one of our participating attorneys will represent you pro bono or with funding provided by RJPMC.
While RJPMC cannot guarantee that your case will be placed with an attorney, RJPMC is dedicated to trauma-informed services and will ensure your complaint is reviewed and treated with the utmost care and attention.

RJPMC Complaint Form:
*RJPMC does not provide direct legal services*